You have a new puppy and you want to protect them in every way that you can. But how can you prevent parasites like fleas when they are still very young? Today, our Bedford vets talk about the dangers of fleas on your new puppy and what the best preventive care options are for puppies.
The Danger of Fleas on Puppies
Flea bites can cause a great deal of discomfort for your dog or puppy. The saliva of the flea can cause irritation when they bite which can lead to infection if your dog scratches frequently to try to relieve the itch.
Another major concern with fleas is the danger of anemia due to blood loss. Fleas are external parasites that survive on the blood they drain from the host. This means that fleas not only cause external symptoms that can be quite uncomfortable but they are also able to affect the internal health of your pet.
Along with the issue surrounding the external parasite, these fleas can also carry the larvae of tapeworms which can be ingested by your puppy leading to a tapeworm infestation which comes with its own set of serious concerns.
When it comes to fleas, any dog at any age can be affected. This makes preventive measures both in and around your home as well as annual flea prevention for your pup an important part of their care. But when is it safe for your new puppy to begin receiving flea prevention?
Flea prevention and treatments can be very effective but can cause harm if the puppy is still too young. Here, our Bedford vets share some of the ways that you can help keep your puppy safe from fleas and treat them if fleas do make a home out of them.
How to prevent fleas on newborn pups?
You should speak with your vet If you are looking for flea prevention options for your new puppy.
Here are some of the ways that you can help prevent the spread of fleas:
Preventing Fleas on Your Pets and in Your Home
- Keep your pet clean and well-groomed.
- Regularly wash your pet's bedding.
- Use flea and tick preventive medication.
Preventing Fleas Outside of Your Home
- Trim your grass often.
- Remove leaves and other debris.
- Make sure you have sealed off your crawlspace or roof from wildlife.
- Trim bushes and trees with low-hanging branches to reduce shaded areas.
- Treat your yard with flea prevention options.
An infection that only took a week or two to develop can take months to fully clear up making preventive measures incredibly important. Your vet will be able to help you decide which year-round flea prevention measures work best for you and your pets.
How to treat fleas on newborn puppies?
There are a number of natural and vet-recommended flea treatment options for puppies, although many people choose to use holistic remedies as these can be more gentle than some chemical treatments.
Vet-Recommended Flea Treatments For Puppies
Typically you will be unable to use any chemical flea treatments until your puppy is at least 8 weeks of age. During your vet visits prior to 8 weeks, your vet will offer flea prevention recommendations and inform you of when you can begin these treatments.
Some of the most commonly used flea prevention options are flea shampoos and collars. Unfortunately, these are not always consistent in results and some may not work as well as others. Many vets will recommend a prescription-based flea prevention option to provide better protection against these harmful external parasites.
Are there any natural solutions for treating fleas on puppies?
If your puppy is under 8 weeks of age you will need to consider holistic options of flea prevention. Some of the options for killing and preventing fleas in young dogs include:
Holistic Flea Treatments
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- White Vinegar Spray
- Lemon Spray
- Witch Hazel Spray
- Coconut Oil Infused with Essential Oils
- Dish Soap Bath Time (Be careful as this can dry out the skin)
- Salt Water (Feel free to spray your dog's fur as well as your home)
Dish Soap Flea Trap
If you have fleas in your home you can help control the population with a dish soap trap. You would place a mixture of soap and water in a shallow dish and place it on the floor. At night you will want to have a lamp on with the light pointed down at the dish. Fleas are attracted to the light and will make their way into the dish where they will become stuck in the highly viscous mixture. Nighttime is best for this option as fleas are most active during this time.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.